(I was busy over the weekend, so I'm just now on Tuesday finally getting last Wednesday's clips up...)
So last week Martin and Henry and I worked on various patterns... One was Fire. I don't think Henry had done it before (we've mostly done it with Rick). Anyway, we had some good runs, including one of 10 cycles (or maybe a couple catches short of 10 cycles), which is the new world record for the pattern. When we've performed it, we've been glad to get 3 cycles... But of course, now that Martin has gotten this good at feeding it, it doesn't actually look all that interesting on video! Oh well.
Also, I worked on 5 clubs a bunch. I probably won't bother posting many more clips of my 5-club efforts, but this one was pretty crazy. It totally shouldn't have lasted nearly as long as it did...
Posted by neilfred at June 17, 2003 11:49 PM