8-club pass-pass-self
Last Wednesday, Martin was on the phone for a bit of the time. I did a few patterns with Stephan, including the 7-club 3-count, and then the 8-club pass-pass-self, which is a pretty interesting pattern. I guess it's interesting in that it's pretty much the only "complicated" pattern with more than 7 clubs which is fairly commonly done. Or at least, which I commonly do... And by "complicated", I guess I mean, "has a cycle of more than 2 counts".
Anyway, then I did the Feeding Frenzy with Stephan and Eric. I think I've fed it before (maybe with Will and Theresa?), but not much. It's a fun pattern to feed. Our best run was after Martin came back, with his suggestion that I try to separate each pair of passes in time more. We got 4 cycles (or very nearly 4 anyway).
Then Martin and Henry and I worked on Fire a bit. Best runs somewhere around 8 cycles or so, I think. Then Martin and I worked on the 8-club pass-pass-self. We started with me doing straights, since that was what I'd done with Stephan earlier, but after a bit we decided to switch to me doing diagonals, which did seem to help some. Here's the best run we got, which was about 3 cycles (== 6 couplets == 12 passes == 18 counts)...
In other news, I discovered qt_tools which will allow me to automate the process of generating the different sizes of video clips and stuff. Woohoo!
Posted by neilfred at June 30, 2003 02:41 AM